​横溝 静Shizuka Yokomizo





Full CV (PDF)
That Day / あの日 
2020, single channel video and lighting, duration 12 mins 19 secs (looped), sound, edition of 5, 国立近代美術館 蔵
That Day / あの日
2020, single channel video and lighting, duration 12 mins 19 secs (looped), sound, edition of 5, 2020年ワコウ・ワークス・オブ・アートでの展示風景
Today / Yesterday
2020, digital C-type print, diptych, 40 photographs, 22 × 20 cm, 42 × 34 cm(frame), edition of 5
Today / Yesterday (一部:2019年4月22日) 
2020, digital C-type print, diptych, 40 photographs, 22 × 20 cm, 42 × 34 cm(frame), edition of 5
Untitled ( Host )
2015, digital B & W print, wooden stick, dyptich, print: 150 × 110 cm each, wooden stick: 160 × 3.5 cm, edition of 1 + 1AP, 2015年国立新美術館での展示風景, photograph by Keizo Kioku
Skin and Bone
2015, c-print, deer skin, wood frame, 44.4 × 67.4 cm (each), 2015年国立新美術館での展示風景, photograph by Keizo Kioku
Untitled (Kurogo)
2015, gelatin silver print from digital file, 44.5 × 37 cm(frame), edition of 10
2014, charred oak frame, 2 way mirror glass, unexposed photographic paper, cowrie shells, 51.8 × 41.6 x 3.8 cm, , 2014年 ロンドン大和日英基金Japan House Galleryでの展示風景, 個人蔵
all (V)
2008, c-print, lipstick, 49.4 × 54.5 cm, unique, 個人蔵
永遠に (そしてふたたび)
2006, double-screen projection, 17 minutes loop, edition of 10, special thanks to: Jean Anderson, Ruth Harte, Ricci Horenstein, Pamela Sydenham and Royal Academy of Music, London, ヴァンジ庭園彫刻美術館; 森美術館蔵
Phantom (1)
2006, Lambda print, reverse mounted on 5 mm perspex, 70 × 70 cm, edition of 5
Phantom のインスタレーション
2006, multi channel video installation, 20–25 min, Lambda print, reverse mounted on 5 mm perspex, 70 × 70 cm, edition of 5, 2015年国立新美術館での展示風景 
2006, video projection, 13 minutes, edition of 10, 東京都写真美術館蔵
Untitled (Hitorigoto)
2002, Digital c-print, 62 × 52 cm, edition of 5
Stranger No.10
1999, c-type print, 127 × 108 cm, edition of 5, 個人蔵
Sleeping No.6
1997, c-type print on aluminium, 81 × 110 cm, edition of 6, 個人蔵